Lock Finish

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  • Kristian Snelling   Saturday 20 May 2023 09:32:59

    I would like to be able to 'lock' the finish for a time while I am editing. 

  • Kristian Snelling   Saturday 20 May 2023 09:35:52

    Love plotaroute and use it extensively, especially with bike routing features. 

    However, one of my biggest frustrations with editing, particularly when trying to manipulate the START A to a point of my revised choosing, like from a B&B / Hotel at a particular location for example, is that it takes many attempts to get it right, where the Finish is added to the point you move the start too, thereby doubling the route. This is beyond infuriating. You end up zooming in so much as to move the start point only a few meters each time. Being able to briefly 'lock' the Finish and just move the start point allowing a bit more flexibility in zoom levels. 

  • Mark Worthington   Saturday 20 May 2023 11:22:00


    Maybe this will help, if its teh same situation that you. I assume you are editing on a PC, on a mobile editing routes is indeed more difficult.

    With a given route, select Reshape Route, then create a suitable anchor point near the start:


    Select what Auto Plot you want (I chose Bike) and drag the start ....



  • Kristian Snelling   Saturday 20 May 2023 20:34:25


    you are a legend. I have used anchors a bit before, but you are spot on. I suppose I thought that they wouldn't prevent misclicks which would still try and send the finish to the misclick, but having tested it extensively with some very large misses, it works a treat! Thank you


  • Mark Worthington   Saturday 20 May 2023 23:08:57


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