I cannot drop a picture but when you scoll along the route with timer activated, you can see that after 1km it's showing 3h in the timer
overall time for the complete route looks ok but I m not expecting to run 1km in 3h ðŸ˜
We're still not seeing the bug Vincent. Can you provide some more details about the steps to recreate the problem?
By any chance, did you find the bug?
I realize that it's doing the same effect on other routes+3h after few kms. While it was ok few weeks ago. Something changed in the algorithm to apply the hill effect...
Yes but when I increase the uphill effect the ETA is just becoming huge and when you use the cursor to go along the route you can see the offset from few meters after the start
this means all the offset is done from start and not along the route, so time between 40th km and 60th km is not correct, I guess...
I'm not seeing the issue Vincent. This is what I see in your route's directions with those Timer settings - the first direction is at 17.064 km and the ETA os 2:34:55, which sounds about right.
It looks all the uphill effect is cumulated at the beginning and not along the route
Here is the link: https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2335218?units=km
for timer settings, I use the usual ones but only for this route I face this issue:
flat pace: 5:35 / speed taper: 0 / start time 0:00:00 / include stop: yes (20min) / adjust for hills: yes
looking at the adjust for hills, it looks like the uphill parameter is making this offset more or less big...
Hi Vincent - can you please share a link to the route where this is happening and also confirm what Timer settings you are using?
for one route, I have the following issue:
start point 00:00:00
few meters after 03:56:00
looks strange and even if I shorten the route, this offset remains.
I tried to reload the route etc... no change...
any solution?