Ah, I didn't wait long enough! As a matter of interest, how many points are left in te route after the upload?
Once you have uploaded it, then yes, splitting it into the individual rides should be achievable.
I looked at the website. It dfoes hint at individual "tracks". If you download their app you may be able to access the individual routes, but not sure if you can then export them. I would dop them a line to ask why the main page GPX download has every route ....
Thanks Mark - I'll have a look. To be fair PlotARoute does open the GPX as it is (it takes ages to load up) but you end up with the lines between certain points - as in your last image.
my plan was to use PlotARoute to split into smaller sections - but was concerned that it wasn't loading properly!
ie, "split the multi-route GPX into many individual GPX files"
see TEU UK 05 Great Western Trail 2023-04-12
Hi - im trying to import a TET gpx from here:
for the Uk and it isn't working.
Works in OSMAnd but really want to import it here so that I can play around with the route a bit more.
Anyone able to tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.