Your email had been closed without reply, I'm sorry for the delay.
I have just updated your premium access.
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,
Dear Helene!
We await your reply and correction of the error.
Kind regards
Dear Helene!
We sent the e-mail. Thank you!
Kind regards
Hi HexaTrails.hu instant túrák,
I am sorry to answer you so late, thank your for your patience.
Could you send us an email to admin@plotaroute.com and precise which email is associated with your account. There has been a bug with some premium accounts a few weeks ago.
A soon as I will have your email, your susbcription will be activated.
Kind regards,
Hi Richard,
I answered you yesterday by email. Did you receive it?
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,
I hope you get this sorted out. The lack of any form of response is unacceptable.
I've been trying to get a potential bug looked at. The last response I got was a month ago asking for permission to access my visorando account. Now I can't log in to said account and can't get any updates from the person who was suppoossed to be investigating. I've just sent Visorando a message vai their website. Is it worth you trying this (if you haven't already?) I'll report back if I get a reply.
Still nothing has happened. Money paid but no Premium Membership. I advise everyone not to pay! It is a shame what is happening!
any update on this, before I renew please
See Visorando Acquires Plotaroute and read the 3rd post from the bottom .... We'll come back to you in the near future with some more informations about our projects. We first need a couple of weeks to get used with Plotaroute community, administration and technical tools.
Blimey! That is BAD