Make Me a Route Function

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  • Mark Smith Thursday 24 Apr 2014 12:56:33

    When using the Make Me A Route function it appears to default to "On Foot" even if I select by road before selecting the Make Me A Route Function. Is this correct?. Great Site though

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 24 Apr 2014 13:50:59

    Thanks for the feedback Mark - glad you like the site.  Yes, you're right, the Make Me a Route feature does currently use the "On Foot" routing.  We are planning to make some changes to the Make Me a Route feature fairly soon though to add some additional options, so keep an eye out for a news post on this.

  • Justin Hope Monday 05 Oct 2015 22:02:04

    Hi, not sure if I am doing something wrong, but when I use the plot me a route feature starting from my house, it is sending me along the nearby cycle path, even though I have the by road option selected. However, when I plot my own routes it does not send me along the cycle path, and instead sends me the long way around by road, which is what I would expect it to do. Is there a way I can get the plot me a route feature to stick to the roads otherwise I will have to double check the entire route each time to ensure it isn't sending me on cycle paths (and of course replot those where it is)? I ended up having to walk 2 miles along a bridle way yesterday as it wasn't suitable for my road bike, and I hadn't pre-checked the route.


  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 06 Oct 2015 10:29:06

    Hi Justin - There isn't currently an option to restrict the Make Me a Route feature to only use roads, but the Advanced Make Me a Route option has a setting to only used paved terrain.


  • Justin Hope Tuesday 06 Oct 2015 10:55:20

    Thanks John. So if I have understood correctly, if I went for the paid option and I selected paved terrain, it would resolve the issue of me being sent on a bridleway but I would still get sent along the local cycle path? If so, it is a shame as it would be good if there was a road option, i.e. so it works the same way as when you plot your own routes - any reason why the same functionailty cannot be in place? As much as I love being able to have a random route created, the fact that it sends me along cycle paths makes it unusable for me as it is time consuming to check through the entire route (I would be looking to plot 50-100 milers) and replot where required.

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