Undo only undoes 100m at a time

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  • Maryka Sennema   Sunday 15 Jun 2014 11:44:46

    Sometimes it works so that it undoes to my last click (usually several km).  But then it reverts to undoing only 100m at a time.  If I want to delete a huge chunk of route to redo it, I have to click literally hundreds of times. 

  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 15 Jun 2014 13:19:05

    Hi Maryka - the route planner only saves the last 10 steps when plotting a route, so after undoing these 10 steps it will start to rmeove points from the end of the route.  The reason for capping it at 10 steps is to avoid problems with excessive memory usage, which could cause the browser to crash.  However, there is a much simpler way to delete larger sections of the route - you can use the "Delete Section" feature under the Plot menu.  With this you just click on the start and end of the section you want to delete (dragging the selection markers to adjust section selected if necessay) andthen  you can delete as much as you want. 


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