Hi Jenni - it's hard to know without seeing the file why it won't upload. I'm happy to have a look at it if you'd like to send it to me - you can use our Contact Us page to do this.
I have Anquet maps on my computer and have a gpx file I want to upload and the Plotaroute will not accept it. How to I achieve what I want?
A quick update on this for anyone else wanting to upload routes created by the Android My Tracks app....
The GPX files generated by this app seem to be malformed, so may not upload correctly to our site without removng the following offending text "<topografix:color>c0c0c0</topografix:color>" - you should be able to do this in any text editor.
However, you can import data from this app in KML format instead - the KML upload problem that Ivan reported below was due to a bug in our system which has now been fixed.
Hi Ivan - thanks for reporting this. if you can send me the file I'll have a look into it - I'll contact you directly with an email address to send it to.
I tried to upload route data recorded using My Track app on Android in either kml or gpx format. It only shows the starting point on the map. Did I do something wrong?
The route data loaded properly on Google Maps or other GPX editing tools.