Route Details

Farncombe 08 - Farncombe Tree Trail

by Martyn Sandford Photo
4 years ago
Near Farncombe, GB
This is a circular walk, looking at trees on the land that was once part of the Broadwater estate. A large part of the estate now forms Broadwater Park but we will also find interesting trees on the way to the park. The walk is mostly along made up pavements and footpaths with only a short section along a more informal path. It will take about 2 hours to complete at a leisurely pace. If you prefer, you can split it into three, shorter walks (A-I, J-R and S-X.)

We will not stop to view every tree along the route! Instead, a good example of some of the many species has been selected for a close look. Some are native species such as Hazel and Beech. Others have been gathered from across the world but find the conditions here in Farncombe agreeable. Once you have seen the distinguishing features of a particular species, look out for other examples along the way.

Farncombe is a good starting point for a walk and can be reached by bus or train. The route starts at the train station where there are cycle stands. There is also covered cycle parking at the Leisure Centre in Summers Road, quite close to the end of the walk. You will find a public toilets at the junction of Station Road with Farncombe Street and in the park near point K.

If you need to take a rest at any time, you will find plenty of seats in the church Quiet Garden and around the lake in the park. There are opportunities to estimate the age of some trees and you may find it helpful to pop a measuring tape in your pocket if you would like to try this.

There are cafes, shops and take-aways in Farncombe village for refreshment before you start or when you return. Several pubs and a cafe kiosk serve food close to the route and they are indicated on the map.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 1.842 miles
22 ft (16%)
29 ft (25%)
Farncombe 08 - Farncombe Tree Trail

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Route Map

Farncombe 08 - Farncombe Tree Trail
Route Map
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