Route Details

RST Route 9 Central Thakeham Circular Walk B

by Owen Richards
4 years ago
Near Thakeham, GB
1.6 miles with gentle inclines on natural and prepared footpaths and a minor road. Suitable for pedestrians only.

On leaving the Village Hall take the straight road of Abingworth Crescent, with the football pitches on the right, towards the B2139. Turn right and cross the tarmac car park with the football changing rooms on the right. Across the B2139 are new houses on Massey Close, named after the actress Anna Massey (1937 – 2011) who was born in Thakeham. At the side of Woodland Cottages join the marked footpath leading east with the football pitches again immediately on the right.

Pass through two adjacent pedestrian gates behind the cricket pavilion. The pitch and pavilion were opened in 2019 and, with the football facilities, are some of the community assets provided by the developer of the houses at Abingworth built on a former mushroom farm. Keep along the field boundary to the left up a slight rise and cross a stile at the corner. After 20 yards cross another stile and follow the path leading towards Thakeham Place Farm in the middle distance. Off to the left is a line of houses built since WWII behind the Street. At the bridleway short of the farm turn left.

After 200 yards or so and through a gate the Street to Warminghurst bridleway is reached. Turn left and pass a cattle grid before arriving at the junction of Cray’s Lane and the Street. Off to the right is St. Mary’s Church (see Route 7). At the end of Cray’s Lane is Cumberland House which dates from the 18th century and is Grade II listed. It was probably built as the Duke of Cumberland Inn and has also been used as a workhouse. Rumour has it that the pillars at the front were formerly in place at William Penn’s house at Warminghurst.

Thakeham Conservation Area is of special historical interest protected by law with additional planning controls to ensure that the character and appearance of the site is preserved. It extends from the south eastern end of the Street past the Cray’s Lane junction and including the church right to the far north western end near the B2139 junction. This is the centre of the parish described in 1843 as “an out of the way parish with no resident gentlemen”; it was certainly then and later a local centre for an agricultural community. Many old buildings are present. Cootes on the north side is a three bayed timber framed house dating from c. 1400, and other timber houses are Mansion House and the Old Post Office on the south side dating from the 17th century or earlier. Also on the north side is the school which ran from 1875 until 2017, latterly as a primary school which is now at Rock Road in the south of the parish, and just past it on the south side of the Street is the White Lion pub. Built in the 17th century it was converted to double pile and cased in brick c. 1800. It has been an inn since at least 1789.

The Street is a gentle upward incline and once over the brow and past “Saxon Hill” on the left take the footpath of Woodlands Way through a pedestrian gate. The path is tarmac and a small bench is soon available from which to admire the views to the south to the Downs with Chanctonbury Ring on the skyline at 230 metres above sea level. At the end of the path walk past Woodlands Cottages and return to the Village Hall keeping the football pitches on the left.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 1.586 miles
108 ft (43%)
108 ft (39%)
RST Route 9 Central Thakeham Circular Walk B

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RST Route 9 Central Thakeham Circular Walk B
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