Route Details

RST Route 10 Central Thakeham Circular Walk C

by Owen Richards
4 years ago
Near Thakeham, GB
1.3 miles with gentle inclines on farm tracks or natural footpaths. Only suited to pedestrians.

The Street continues beyond the Cray’s Lane junction as a track leading to Warminghurst. Off to the south is Thakeham Place Farm a large mixed arable and livestock farm. The owners have facilitated several improvements to footpath and bridleway routing and surfacing in association with the Abingworth housing development; care is needed to ensure their livestock is not bothered by, and their fields are not contaminated by, dogs.

After half a mile the hamlet of Warminghurst is ahead on the skyline. To the south across a field is Manor House Buildings. This relatively isolated residence includes the site of the home of William Penn, the 17th century Quaker, and was part of a marriage settlement from Penn’s father in law. Penn spent little time here over the years, before selling it in 1707 to James Butler MP, who pulled it down and built his own fairly grand home, which was in turn demolished by the Duke of Norfolk in 1806, leaving outbuildings including two early 20th century cottages and Butler's stable block. The exact footprint of Penn's early 17th century mansion is unclear but it almost certainly occupied a flat terrace to the east of the present buildings.

Warminghurst church, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, is Grade I listed and is one of only 39 buildings in Horsham District with that designation. It dates from the late 12th or 13th centuries and has recently been decommissioned but up to seven services can be held annually. In addition the church is available for “glamping” in the summer. The box pews dating from 1770 are exceptional. The adjacent farm house is also very old and worthy of note. To the east of Warminghurst is the Parish of Ashington (“Essingeton” 11th century France “Ashshintone” Middle Ages meaning farm associated with ash or spear).

Take the track to the left (due north) and after 300 yards turn left at a farm gate and stile up a slope. Keep to the left just beyond the stile, from which point over to the NE the sails of Shipley windmill can be seen, and at the corner of the field cross another stile and enter Mill Copse. The footpath is straight and easy to follow. On leaving the wood an area of surface water with a spring, St. Mary’s Well and the source of Lancing Brook, which flows into the River Adur, is crossed. Turn left after the stream and after another stile cross a field back to the start point. St. Mary’s Church can be seen on the skyline to the north west.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 1.252 miles
88 ft (41%)
95 ft (41%)
RST Route 10 Central Thakeham Circular Walk C

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RST Route 10 Central Thakeham Circular Walk C
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