Route Details

Camino Imota 1

by Denis Orlic
2 years ago
Near Biorine, HR
Camino Imota is a part of the official Camimo route through Croatia - Camino Croatia. It is
designed as a separate stage of the Camino route in Croatia.
Day 1. Biorine - Lovreć
Length 19.3 km
Estimated time: 5:30 h
Highest point : 645m
Lowest point: 394 m
The beginning of the Camino Imota route, in the direction of Imotski, is suitably enough,
well immersed in the local historical heritage. The route starts at Biornine, a location
featuring medieval tombstones called “stečci”- unique to the region. The route leads us
next to the shrine of the saint that bears the name of pilgrimage honoring him - the church
of St. James (Santiago) at Cista Velika. A short walk from the church, following the yellow
arrows on the sidewalk, there is a slight detour to the right, to the archaeological site of
Crikvine, a place well worth visiting.
After this detour the route leads back to the main road, along the sidewalk, for another
short stretch. If you gaze to the right you’ll see a quite unusual sight - a huge ship made of
stone, in the middle of dry land. There was no giant wave that brought it here, just a quirky
architectural taste. Shortly after, the route turns to the left, leaving the road and
continuing slightly uphill. After the initial section of pavement, the surface turns to the
rocky ground, typical to the wider Dalmatian region. After a sharp turn to the right and
just before another sharp turn, this time to the left take a short pause and look to the
right. On a clear day you’ll see a row of windmills. Just between the last two pairs to the
right, there is a view of the sea, in a narrow passage between two hills.
The path continues uphill with yellow arrows leading the way, marked on stones along the
path. As the path widens there is a view of windmills on top of the hill, reminiscent of a
climb up Alto de Pedron on Camino Frances (just without the pilgrim sculptures). The
route continues into a pine forest offering a welcome shade in warmer months. The forest
slowly disappears into a typical Dalmatian vegetation as the route slides gently
downwards towards the outskirts of Cista Provo. The center of this village, with stores
and bars offers an opportunity for a break.
Following the sidewalk, the route quickly leaves Cista Provo with another turn to the left,
returning to the sidewalk just before Lovreć - destination for the first day of Camino

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 11.882 miles
1459 ft (51%)
1000 ft (39%)
Camino Imota 1

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

Route Map

Camino Imota 1
Route Map
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Route Profile

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