Route Details

Stonehenge Circular

by Andy Gladstone Photo
6 years ago
Near Amesbury, GB
I think a trip to Stonehenge is slightly wasted if you park in their main car park, pay your money and only visit the stone circle which obviously you can't go right up to anyway. This route is designed to show you the wonderful landscape in and around the area. There are free places to park at the weekend at the start point or in neighbouring roads. I have included a smaller route which still includes all the sites. There are information boards at all the main places which is a brilliant addition to the landscape.

From Amesbury you head up to the Cuckoo Stone (although the information board is at the opposite end of the field by Woodhenge which you can read on the way back). Then it's on to Durrington walls and Woodhenge itself. You then head off towards the King's Barrows and the Avenue. Don't miss the information board about the Cursus which will be in front of you at the sharp left turn. Don't head down the Avenue before reading the King's Barrows board as a suggestion!

At Stonehenge you can fairly easily get through the meshed gate to get closer to the stones. Between there and the track that you cross, notice the circular markers in the ground which mark the position of huge post holes which were at Stonehenge thousands of years before the Stones were erected. Heading across the next field you eventually go into a small Copse, having reached the far end of the Cursus, which has a wonderful burial mound in there. There is also a fantastic information board just before you come out of the wood which shows you the landscape. You then head back past Stonehenge along the track, over the A303 ( please be really careful at this point... if you're lucky the traffic will be slow here and someone will let you across as it is such a busy road) and back to Amesbury. The last section is dependent on how many miles you want to walk! Plenty of pubs and a Wetherspoons in the town!

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 11.469 miles
754 ft (40%)
764 ft (41%)
Stonehenge Circular

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Stonehenge Circular
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