My Routes not working in FirefoxFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Leepa Monday 20 Oct 2014 16:16:49

    Hi John,

    Everything looks fine now - thank you for the quick fix and glad that we were able to help :)



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    plotaroute admin   Monday 20 Oct 2014 15:06:18

    Hi Tomasz - Thanks for all the additional information.  That really helped to tracked down the problem.  It was indeed cause by localisation of the numeric data in the response from our server.  This was also affecting the Find Routes feature for the same reason.  I've just put in a fix so it should hopefully be OK now.  Let us know if you're still having problems though or come across any other issues like this.

    All the best,



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    Leepa Monday 20 Oct 2014 09:54:39

    Just to let you know - when I changed the intl.accept_languages value in about:config from "pl,en-us,en" to "en-us,en,pl", the My Routes showed without issues.


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    Leepa Monday 20 Oct 2014 09:07:11

    Hi John,

    thank you for the prompt answer :)

    I have tried both clearing the cache (usually the first thing I do when I have a problem like this) and a new, clean profile with no extensions and no config entries modified - the issue was still there.

    However, with a help of a friend we have managed to find the culprit (to be clear, the error was present on his browser too). It looks that json response returned from server differs betweeen Firefox and Chrome.  The problem is with the decimal separator of the "dist" values:
    Fx: "dist":44285,7551162632,
    Chrome: "dist":48198.4177772634,

    We have noticed that the headers differ too:
    Chrome: Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.8,pl;q=0.6
    Fx: Accept-Language pl,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3

    Will this help?


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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 19 Oct 2014 12:33:29

    Hi Tomasz -  Thanks for the nice feedback about the site.  Glad you came across us when you did!

    I've tried signing in to your account with Firefox release 33 and it seemed to all work OK for me here, so I'm guessing it is a local problem.  It could be connected with a browser extension that you have installed, so it would be worth disabling them all and seeing if this helps.  If this fixes it, you can then re-enable them one at a time to see which one was causing the problem.  It would also be worth clearing you browser's cache to see if this helps, as your browser my be caching the failed attempt to get your routes and simply redisplaying this each time.



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    Leepa Sunday 19 Oct 2014 11:05:37



    When I click on My Routes, they do not load in Firefox. Instead, an error is shown that "a problem occurred loading your routes" and then the throbber is spinning with no results. Here are the screenshots.

    This happens on release version of Firefox (33 at the moment) as well as on nightly build; working fine though on Chrome.

    PS. Love this site! There was one Wendesday I talked to a friend that I miss the site that would allow planning a bike route using OpenStreetMap (with view at the elevation profile) and on Friday I found - awesome timing :)


    Best regards,


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