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    Whitney Pugh Saturday 15 Nov 2014 16:00:49

    Is it possible to show bearings along with distances? For hiking in the backcountry, with no trails, and a printed copy of a map I design, having bearings added to the directions featrue would make orienteering much easier.

    Also, not sure I'm missing the obvious, but is a direction arrow automatically included with the maps? I don't seem to see one.

    The site is pretty cool.

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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 16 Nov 2014 11:48:02

    Hi Whitney,

    Thanks for the kind feedback about the site and for your suggestion about adding bearings.  Would you be looking for bearings from one direction to the next or the bearing that you initially head when leaving each direction point - I assume the former is what you need?

    I guess the main reason we don't show the direction/North arrow on the maps is because we try to keep the map as uncluttered as possible and as thr maps aren't rotated, they all point north. 


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    Whitney Pugh Friday 28 Nov 2014 17:00:38

    Regarding your two options about bearings, I guess I'm not sure I understand the difference. My orienteering knowledge is not that sophisticated. Basically, when I plot a hiking trail, I want to know  the distance and direction (bearing) to travel from my current point to the next point. In the directions section, it would be great to have a column to show the bearings. Maybe an option to select/unselect since I know it is not something everyone needs (cyclists, for example, probably don't generally care about bearings). Thanks for the response to my suggestion. I'm an amateur but this site really makes it fun to plot some hikes.

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