Popular Routes
A feature where you could check off the summits / peaks you've climbed in a particular area would be good. I am currently trying to reach every peak in the lake district and try to plan a walk in order to strike a few more off each time I go walking. If you could have markers of all the peaks in the area your looking at on the map and as you complete a route you mark the peak as climbed and they disappear. It would be a really simple method of seeing where you should plan a walk next.
Hi Peter - Thanks for this suggestion. I think that might be very complicated for us to do but I'll add it to our feature request list to consider.
Would it be possible to allow mass import of waypoints then allow way points to be individually turned on / off but have this as a global layer accross all maps (e.g your profile)?
Hi Peter - It's feasible but it would involve a substantial amount of work and would complicate the user interface for other users who don't need this facility. I think if we could find a source for a comprehensive dataset of peaks around the world we could certainly look into adding this as an optional layer on the map but adding some sort of "peak bagging" facility where you track which ones you've done is probably not something we would want to do, as we want to focus on plotting and sharing of routes rather than providing logging and tracking features.