Route Profile Tool doesn't render unless Google AdSense is permitted through?FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 29 May 2015 09:22:09

    Thanks for flagging this up David.  Where you have third party software modifying the browsing experience, there is always a risk that it can cause unexpeceted results.  I think it would be hard for us to test and support compatability with such software as we don't have the resources for this.  If you are keen to use the site without adverts though, you'll soon be able to sign up for ad-free membership for a very modest fee, as we are hoping to introduce this next month.  This might be an alternative solution to your problem.



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    david (aka setuid)   Thursday 28 May 2015 16:58:51

    This is an odd one, but consistent and reproducible.

    I noticed that the rendering of the Route Profile Tool routes does not work only for longer routes, if Google AdSense is blocked by the firewall or other AdBlock browser add-ons.

    This is consistent using AdBlock and Ghostery in Firefox, Chrome and Safari on Mac OS X 10.10.x.

    If you choose a shorter route, 50 miles or less, all works and renders fine, but if you choose a longer route of 100 miles or more, it fails to render at all, unless Google AdSense is permitted through to the browser.

    Is this known/reported? I want to continue to support the site, but I'd rather not let browser tracking through the firewall if possible.



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