Duplicating routes to edit separatelyFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 20 Jul 2015 14:08:03

    Hi John - To duplicate a route you just need to click the "Save As New Route" button after clicking SAVE.  This will save the route with a new ID (you can give it a different name if you like) and leave the original one intact with it's original ID. 


    P.S.  Thanks for the nice feedbak about the site by the way.

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    John Pearson Monday 20 Jul 2015 13:48:59

    Update: Somehow this worked but I'm not clear exactly how. When I went to navigate away from the edit it told me I had an unsaved route which I could then save as the new, combined route. The ability to easily duplicate and rename from your route list would be really useful to clarify this.

    Cheers, John

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    John Pearson Friday 17 Jul 2015 11:16:39

    Hi there,

    I have two halves of a two-day route that I want to be able to view both separately and as one combined route.

    Can you tell me how to duplicate one of the routes in order to then use the Plot > Combine Routes option to create the whole journey please?

    Many thanks for the really useful site, it's great!


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