Exiting route profile toolFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Esteban Blanco Monday 20 Jul 2015 18:43:54

    A simple click on the link brings the route profile tool up. How do I get back to edit route without loading the route all over again from my routes?

    On a related topic, the profile tool shows grades up to 33% for a route while the regular hills display shows 21% max. Are they using different sampling intervals? If so, why do they agree on total elevation climbed?

    This is the first cycling app that I've been able to quickly and accurately plot a route online. Frustration with the others sent me looking for this one. Thanks


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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 21 Jul 2015 14:56:24

    Hi Esteban - Thanks for the nice feedback about the site.

    To get back to a route's main page from the route profile tool, click the Info icon in the top right corner or the link thats says "View Map and Comments for this Route" just below it.

    The difference between the maximum gradient on the route profile tool and that shown on the hill charts on the route planner or route viewer is due to differences in the sampling intervals.  The route profile tool always uses the detailed sampling but the elevation charts shown on the route planner/viewer can be less detailed for longer routes, as we limit the number of points used to plot the chart on these tools.  However, the total elevation climbed is calculated and saved on our server, so will be the same wheverever you view the route.


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    Esteban Blanco Tuesday 21 Jul 2015 19:34:59

    I was hoping for a "go back" link rather than "start over". The profile tool comes up right away probably because the route is already loaded along with the elevation profile. Since the route is already loaded into the profile tool, it's cumbersome to start over rather than toggle back. Maybe this is really a feature request. I thought I just didn't know how to do it.

    Thanks for the explanation on the grade differences between profile and hills displays.

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