Popular Routes
OK Alan, I've done that.
yes please John, that would be much appreciated.
We don't have a quicker way to change the Privacy status of multiple routes at present but I'll add it to our Feature Request list. In the meantime I can change all your routes to Private for you if you like.
yes but I have many routes, can I select all of them and make private in one action or do I need to open each individual one?
Hi Alan - You just need to edit and resave the route with the new setting.
To edit your route, click the Edit link next to the route in question on your "My Routes" panel on your home page after signing in (or alternatively you can access your routes from the route planner under the "More" menu). Then click the Edit This Route button on the map and save it again selecting Private rather than Public. Just be aware that if you have already shared the link to the route with anyone else they will not be able to view it any more once you make it Private.