Request to update time to complete routeFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Anders Hz   Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 11:25:37

    A very simple first step would be to just have a setting with a higher average speed than 40 km/h in the route timer.

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    Susan Stamper Sunday 13 Mar 2016 22:52:21

    We too have been looking for a motoring tool to map out our drives.  Since as a car club we make various stops along the way, it would be great to know exactly how long from each point it should take (doing the speed limit of course) so we can have others meet us at the Points of Interest along the route.  Many times our car club starts at point A and travels to point B to end up at point C.  Some people prefer to meet at point B and only do the final leg of the trip.  If we had a way to know when we should be there then it makes it easier for those to meet or catch up later. Of course these are British cars, so sometimes we have folks start with us and then have to stop for roadside repairs but they would like to meet us further down the route to continue.  Having some form of estimated times would be very helpful, especially if you could add a meeting start time to the playback.

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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 06 Mar 2016 09:19:26

    Hi Frank - Thanks for your kinds feedback about the site.  I've added your suggestion to our Feature Requests list (number 47) - anyone interested in it can vote for it there.  This would be quite difficult and expensive for us to do I think, as journey time estimates for motor vehicles are competely different to the other activities we support - they depend on speed limits and traffic rather than human effort!  That's not to say there might not be a solution but the way the route planner currently works doesn't lend itself to this.


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    frank irvine Saturday 05 Mar 2016 16:53:16

    I see if i were creating a route for walking or cycling there is the option to see how long it would take to complete a route. Could it be possible to add this feature to routes we create as driving routes such as the motorcycle option?

    thanks. Awesome tool by the way as you can see by all the routes i have created!

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