My position on the mapFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Benny penninkx Friday 10 Apr 2020 12:31:32

    ik heb een roete gemaakt maar ik kan niet op gps mio zeten

    wie kan me helpen


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    plotaroute admin   Monday 18 Feb 2019 09:16:24

    Mobile websites use a different technique to obtain location than native mobile apps, so it could be that you have location services turned off in the browser you are using or disabled specifically for  Have a look under your settings in Privacy, Location Services, Safari Websites and check that location access is allowed. If this looks OK I would recommend clearing your browser history and retrying - this should then result in you being prompted to approve location services again with when you next turn on the tracker.


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    Dr P Woodward-Court Thursday 14 Feb 2019 21:52:48

    When activating tracker on the mobile site, outside on an iPhone XS, 'Unable to detect your location' appears This happened repeatedly on a test walk of a mile. Other mapping apps on the same device have no problem accessing and ultilising GPS functionality. Any suggestions?


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    Richard Bennett Thursday 05 Jul 2018 22:43:55

    Thanks for the tip. I couldn't find the tracker feature. Didn't think it would be under the compass point. But thats great, thanks

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 21 Oct 2016 11:56:03

    When you view a route on a mobile device with GPS capabilities you can activate the tracker feature to show your current position on the map (touch the tracker icon in the bottom right corner of the map - only shows on the mobile site).  We don't have a navigation app at present, so this doesn't extend to providing navigation instructions, but it should help you to follow a route.


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    M. Karim Thursday 20 Oct 2016 08:44:22

    If there is a feature let user know his/her position on the map, path any time. I can't find such feature.

    Another feature is mobile version can guide user by GPS working with each route, to guide user following the route user has chosen.

    If there is voice to guide will be easier, if not, just the user position showing along the chosen route.

    I am new with this plot a route, don't know how to use a route in practice when starting to walk that route and you never walked there.


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