Difficulty Gradient and Symbols for TrailsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Greater Roadrunner Tuesday 14 Mar 2017 03:47:17

    The aussiebushwalking site give basic indication and symbol on how easy or hard the trail is. They also have basic symbols to show if there is scramberling or other things required for the walk.

    Would love to see this so it can be filtered to make it easy to find the walks that you can do! :) And walks that you want a challenge you be able to look for it easier! :)





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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 14 Mar 2017 13:16:05

    I think the problem with a difficulty rating is that it is very subjective - one person's hard route is another person's easy route!  You can search by hilliness and distance though already in the route finder (use the options under the Find menu to filter routes).


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    Greater Roadrunner Friday 17 Mar 2017 00:25:57

    Thank you admin but it helps as you can filter routes base on easy to difficult. Hikers could score points on how easy or hard so then it will be very objective! But its only a basic representation to help hiker decide if they can climb the route. Because its works with aussiebush and they have easy to very difficult so would be nice cause newbie will not understand the gradient settings and its also very subjective. How do you tell if a elevation or gradient is too tough for you to climb? I tried to compare and i found it confusing myself so perhaps a point system for hikers to check would help or just a basic system from Aussiebush website? 

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