"Linking of different routes" and "Climbing Analysis"FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Anthony Pezet Friday 30 Jan 2015 19:13:14

    Firstly I must commend you on the site....top notch...very impressed.

    Just a query into whether the following would be feasible to be added in the future...

    (1) The ability for users to link their routes as part of a larger group of routes. For example say a user creates 3 routes {A,B, and C}. Would it be possible to create a pair of buttons or links to scroll through these routes in order (say a "next stage' button to go from route A to route B to route C and alternately a "prev stage" button for the other direction ???

    (2) Obviously data is analysed effectively in the route profile tool but can that data be analysed to indentify categorised climbs on a route profile and the data for those climbs (Start,Finish,Distance,Climb,Gradient,Category etc) be displayed as part of the profile screen...

    I am no expert and maybe these are not feasible and that is no problem....just putting a few suggestions out there...

    Cheers and thanks for site and keep up the good work !!!!

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    plotaroute admin   Saturday 31 Jan 2015 09:36:22

    Hi Anthony - thanks for your kind feedback about the site, much appreciated.

    Thanks also for your suggestions for new features.  We'll have a think about these.  I can think of a number of scenarios where it might be useful to create "collections" of routes, so thanks for putting this idea forward. 

    If you want to analyse sections of a route in the route profile tool, you can do this by dragging the selection slider above the elevation chart to select the section of the route you are interested in - the stats above will then reflect just this section.  Are you looking for something more than this?


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    Anthony Pezet Sunday 01 Feb 2015 08:45:49

    What I was thinking was along the lines of a profile being created ( as it is) but is there a way to input a feature where the software can determine based on the data and list categorized climb sections on the route automatically .... using formulae such as FIETS etc or even one of your own (climb ratings are subjective)..... But many thanks for your prompt reply....


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    plotaroute admin   Monday 02 Feb 2015 10:10:24

    Thanks Anthony - It should be possible for us to add this at some point.  I'll add it to the To Do list!   


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