Monthly fee or one time fee for advance features?FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 17 Mar 2017 10:32:33

    Thanks for the suggestion.  I think it's inevitable that we will need to restrict some features to subscribers as the site develops, particularly given that some of our suppliers are now starting to charge or raise fees for their services. However, I'm keen to keep the site as open and accessible as possible, so the basic features needs for plotting and sharing routes will always remain free of charge if costs allow.


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    w2ssolutions way2smile Friday 17 Mar 2017 07:39:02

    I feel monthly fee normally irritating and give tension also If you one time fee means then you will free.




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    Greater Roadrunner Friday 17 Mar 2017 00:49:35

    Since the website is growing and new features added i think its fair if members want more advance features that they pay a monthly fee that can be discuss? This will bring in the income to bring out new features for the website and that it can keep being updated. Perhaps even a one time fee but its really for bringing in more staff to quickly update and add more features to this website. So it really just start to stand out from the more expenisve paid tracking sites! This could a serious competition to the others who have higher fees to make use of their advance features. 

    For those who want it free it will still be avaliable but won't have advance features. 

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