Turn arrow in directions.FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Andy Beck Tuesday 24 Feb 2015 16:23:27

    I have plotted my route but I see that in the directions some of the turn arrows don't always point in the direction I would have thought.

    What actually controls these arrows? Is is directions text or the plotted route on the map?

    How can they be adjusted/ removed.


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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 25 Feb 2015 08:50:56

    Hi Andy - The turn arrows are generated automatically from the path of the route.  Can you give me an example of where they are not right and we can probably tweak the code to rectify this?  There is no way to remove or manually override them at present.



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    Andy Beck Wednesday 25 Feb 2015 09:41:00

    Hi John,

    Here is the link to my route. //www.plotaroute.com/route/40628

    If you read the directions then you will see that only two arrows have appeared the turn column and they don't relate to the description i.e. 4. Turn right (the arrow points to the bottom left?)


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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 25 Feb 2015 12:52:46

    Hi Andy,

    As far as I can see the turn arrows look correct for the points along the route where the directions are placed.  The directions for number 4 are placed just before hte right turn, so that is why the turn arrow is not what you expected.  If you move these directions to where the right turn is it does then change the turn arrow to a right turn.



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