Run multiple routes simultaneously to check timings at key intersectionsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 09 Feb 2018 09:29:00

    Hi Sean, I think that one would probably be too complex for us and have too limited appeal.  You can use the Route Timer feature to see the ETA at points along the route though, so this might help.  We have an article in our Tips and Tricks section on using the Route Timer feature.


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    Sean Ralph Thursday 08 Feb 2018 13:12:58

    This is a big request and may be out of scope but here goes :-)

    I am plotting an event that involves multiple races (ski, snowshoe, fatbike) and the routes intersect at a few key places.   We are trying to work out start times so that we can avoid bottlenecks at these key intersections.

    It would be useful to be able to simulate all these races in a single timer view so we can stagger start times and avoid the bottlenecks at key crossings.

    We have been playing at this by having multiple sessions running on different machines...


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