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Even though I save routes with the "Turn Warnings" set to "No" I get Turn Warnings. I did not have this issue a few weeks ago.
File format: .FIT and .TCX
Device: Garmin Edge 500
Hi Olof - the "Turn Warnings" option is selected when you download a route not when you save it. It seems to be working OK for me and we haven't changed anything in this area recently. Can you let me know the steps to reproduce the problem please?
Oh, my misstake. I did mean Download, and not Save.
I get this issue with e.g. this route: https://www.plotaroute.com/route/644025 What happens if you do the same (download to MacBook as .TCX, then file transfer to Garmin Edge 500)?
The Turn Warnings are added as extra CoursePoints in the TCX file, so it won't matter where you download the file to. You can check the file by opening it in a text editor - you should see the CoursePoints near the bottom. The Turn Warnings will start with "50ft - " or whatever you have set the turn warning distance to. If there are no CoursePoints like this then the turn warnings aren't in the file.
For this route: https://www.plotaroute.com/route/644025 I get this close to the end of the .tcx file:
<Name>Turn sligh</Name>
<Notes>Turn slight left</Notes>
<Name>Turn left</Name>
<Notes>Turn left</Notes>
<Notes>Turn right onto Bergshamravägen</Notes>
<Name>Keep right</Name>
<Notes>Keep right</Notes>
Even though I chosen to not get Turn Warnings (this way: https://pasteboard.co/Hvn8Mol.png ). Am I misunderstanding the feature somhow?
May I have step-by-step instructions please to download a route of mine to an android phone. Many thanks. I have installed the Track Navigator app.
Olof - yes, I think you have misunderstood the Turn Warnings feature. Turn Warnings are additional instructions placed a given distance before turns. These are in addition to the instructions at the actual turns. If you don't want to include any instructuons at all, you'll need to edit the route and delete the directions.
I'm afraid we can't provide support for third party apps like Track Navigator but if it can import TCX or GPX files, you can download routes to files in these formats by selecting DOWNLOAD from the menu above the map when viewing a route.