Adding turn by turn instructionsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    ian robathan Wednesday 08 May 2019 20:25:29


    I have only just seen this site (after advice) and I like it much better than some competitiors. However before I upgrade to premuim I need to find out if it does one important thing.

    I do a lot of Audaxes and organises send just a normal GPX without turn by turn instructions. I use the Wahoo Elemnt and this does not provide them as part of the software. Therefore the ask is whether you can add turn by turn on automatically once uploaded a route (did this and not available) or is it available in premiuim ? 



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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 09 May 2019 12:03:53

    Hi Ian,

    We don't currently have any means of automatically generating direcitons for routes you upload to that don't already have directions.  It is high up on our Feature Requests list and is something we hope to add at some point. In the meantime, it is fairly easy to use our Trace a Route feature to trace over an uploaded route - this would enable you to generate missing directions very quickly.


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    ian robathan Friday 10 May 2019 18:02:25

    thanks a lot and I do love the site so will join in to you ! 


    It wouldbe great to offer that as few others do and would lead to a great USP 

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