The simple task of modifying a routeFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 22 May 2019 09:26:08

    We've got a tutorial video on editing routes that you might helpful.  If you're using the Replot Section feature you can put the green and red markers anywhere on the route, though you might find it more manageable to replot smaller sections at a time. If you get direction arrows pointing both ways after replotting this sounds like it is routing up and then back along the same road. This might be caused by placing the waypoint on the opposite side of the road but its hard to know without seeing the exact scenario. 


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    Michael Badger   Tuesday 21 May 2019 19:10:41

    me again. Does it go on the road or some other devious route? Sometimes have to switch off auto plot as it is not seeing the route you want as legit. Move a bit at a time manually.


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    Michael Badger   Tuesday 21 May 2019 19:07:18

    Takes practice. The green marker goes Before the section and the red after. Make sure they are far enough away from the section. Make markers section as large as possible so you can see what you are doing. Try it on a PC with big monitor, although I have no trouble with Android tablet upwards. Where it has failed I have shortened the route back and redrawn the last bit.

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    Lawrence Goodman   Tuesday 21 May 2019 16:11:20

    I am trying to replot a large section of the map. I place the green and red markers at either end of the section then drag it to the nearby road I want the new route to go on. It ends up all crazy with arrows pointing both ways.

    How much of a section can I modify at one time? Where am I supposed to put the green and red markers?


    I have to say I find this interface infuriating. Thanks. 

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