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    plotaroute admin   Saturday 24 Aug 2019 06:57:27

    Half a million public routes mapped on plotaroute.comWe are very pleased to share with you the news that 500,000 public routes have now been mapped on This means you can now search over half a million cycling routes, running routes and walking routes, mapped by outdoor enthusiasts in all corners of the globe. Trail routes, road routes, hilly routes, flat routes - there are lots to choose from, so if you're looking for ideas and inspiration why not have a look at the routes in your local area.

    To coincide with this milestone we've made a number of small changes to the site to make it easier to search for routes that may be of interest. A good place to start is to search for a town or city where you're looking for routes - you can either do this using the new search tool on the home page or the Universal Search tool at the top of most pages on the site. From here you can extend your search by selecting the option to search for routes on a map. Don't forget to give a rating to any routes you really like and to share your experience of a route by posting comments on the View Route page, as this will help other people decide whether to try them out. We've also increased the amount of notes you can add to a route when saving it, to let other people know more about it.

    Lastly we'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone for helping to create this huge source of ideas for places to walk, run and cycle. We can provide the tools, but it's your local knowledge that's makes it come together.

    Have fun exploring!

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