change the settings for what counts as "flat"?FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Andrea Selleri Monday 30 Sep 2019 11:27:46

    If you "explore hills in more detail" you get a breakdown of a route's elevation profile. My problem is that a number of bits of road that are actually flat are classified as either uphill or downhill. This probably means that the settings that determine what counts as "flat" are too restrictive (less than 1% elevation gain/loss?).

    The result is that if you have, say, a bit of route in which you gain, say, 15m over 1 km is classified as "uphill", whereas most walkers' experience of it will be that it's "flat". 


    Is there any way of resetting the parameters for what counts as "flat" so that any bit of route with a height gain/loss of, say, less than 3% (rather than 1%) wil be reported as "flat"?

    Better yet would be a way of distinguishing between "moderate height gain", "steep height gain" and so forth, but never mind that.

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