Popular Routes
I have searched for similar requests and I've found some - but they are not meaning exactly the same and I think my suggestion is a bit easier to implement - but it could help solving the problems other people mentioned too.
Some people want to share a few special routes with a few special people. And it's quite difficult to implement some sort of user rights management. But what about making private routes accessable by a special authentification key given in the url?
This way the rute would stay private but I could decide to share it with special people by sending them a link with an authentification key included. I think this could be implemented much easier than a whole user rights manamgement system. And it would even work for not registered people...
Additionally one could think about making route collections accessable by such an authentification key so that some member could manage a list of routes for a cycling club or something else..
What do you think?
Thanks for this suggestion Lucas, that sounds like a good idea. It's something we can consider when we come to build features for clubs/groups, which we are hoping to do at some point. In the meantime, if you want to share Private routes with someone else, I'm afraid they would need to be registered on the site, so that we can validate their permission to access the route. See our guide on sharing private routes with nominated people for more details.
Thank you for that hint. this can be useful - nevertheless it affects all private routes and all people I'm following at the same time. But what I was not thinking of was the fact that private routes wil still not be visible for people I'm following in any search result list - so sending the link will be the selector, which people can see which route... That's really a good hint!