Sharing Lists of Selected RoutesFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 31 Jan 2020 23:14:14

    Sorry, there was a bit of code left in from testing by mistake - thanks for letting us know. We've put in a fix now.

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    Claus B4R Friday 31 Jan 2020 22:06:58

    Is it in beta? Evert time I try, the link show 

    John Piears routes


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    Peter Höglund   Wednesday 29 Jan 2020 16:58:23

    Great news:)

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 29 Jan 2020 06:02:04

    We've just released the latest upgrade to the site, which gives you the ability to share lists of selected subsets of your routes with other people, with just one simple link.

    If you don't already use the Route Tags feature, its a great way to organise your routes into groups - perhaps all your clubs runs, your hill training routes, your Sunday strolls, it's entirely up to you.

    Using Route Tags, you can now share groups of your routes with other people, by selecting sets of routes that have the same tags on your My Routes page. We've also added some extra filters to this page, so you can now select routes that are longer or shorter than a specified distance and routes with a given terrain type. Look for the new "SHARE" button on the My Routes page to start sharing.

    We hope you'll find these new features useful.

    Share subsets of your routes using tags and filters

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