Don't hide some UI elements when the Streetview panel is openFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Adam Bo Wednesday 13 May 2020 10:22:07

    From the ActionList mostly I use `hills` and `directions` options but since we have shortcuts it's not a problem to use them or other actions. I just feel that opening the Street View panel deprives us of access to options that were previously available. I understand your point of view so perhaps the list of actions should be collapsible in general. I imagine a small button that shows/hides this menu regardless of the StreetView panel. Anyway, the `auto-plot` switcher is one of the things I often use here.



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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 13 May 2020 08:25:54

    Thanks for this suggestion Adam.  We can certainly look at this.  I can see how the Auto-Plot switches would be useful when plotting with the StreetView split-screen, but the ActionIconList mainly contains options that you use after you've finished plotting, so this doesn't seem so relevant. We want to avoid unecessarily obscuring part of the map with things that aren't needed at that point. The UNDO button is already displayed - which other items items from the list would you like to have available? 

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    Adam Bo Tuesday 12 May 2020 13:01:30

    While the StreetView panel opens, some user interface elements (FollowRoadsBox and ActionIconList) disappear, even if there is a lot of space to render them. They are very useful when plotting the running route in particular in the mixed terrain. I need to close the StreetView panel every time when I want to temporarily turn auto-plot off. It would be great to have access to the above elements, regardless of the StreetView panel.

    This split-screen is one of my favorite features, I love it.



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