Popular Routes
I want to know why are some paths from OpenStreetMaps not displayed in plotaroute route planner.
See examples below:
It just looks like that some data from OpenStreetMap are filtered out on plotaroute site.
Hi Primož - It may be that the missing path is newly added. We don't filter anything out. Our FAQ on Map Update Frequency explains more about map updates.
I checked on OpenStreetMaps and those paths are really new but anyway more than 1-month old (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/793079339/history).
I can see those paths in my mobile app (OsmAnd) and on some other web pages (https://www.alltrails.com/ and https://maps.openrouteservice.org/directions?n1=46.09656&n2=14.419309&n3=16&a=null,null,46.098352,14.423225,46.098323,14.418461,46.095734,14.418483,46.092386,14.415371,null,null&b=2&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km).
Obviously, there is some mystery behind all of this if you do not use any "filtering" on your side.
I even clean my cache and it does not help...