Swap name and description on waypointsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 12 Jun 2020 08:13:49

    Hi Anthony - The only way to do this is to add a label to the directions, as the Waypoint Name tag in the GPX file will use the label text in preference to the directions text if a label is present.

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    Anthony Myers-Jones Thursday 11 Jun 2020 15:06:25

    Hi.  When I import a gpx into OSMAnd, it takes part of the waypoint description and uses it as the name, which it uses to read out directions.  Is there a way in Plotaroute to save the name of the waypoint as the description, or is this an OSMAnd issue?

    I know I can manually edit the gpx file, but just wondered if there was a quicker way.


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