Course measurement markers FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Colin Cottell Tuesday 24 Nov 2020 16:29:19

    Hi,  the distance markers automically generated when I created the route of a 10km I am organising do not coincide with those that I measured with an official measuring wheel.  I would like to replace the automatically generated markers with my own symbols (numbers) in what I believe to be the correct positions. How can I do this, please? 

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 25 Nov 2020 08:59:05

    Hi Colin - you can temporarily hide the distance markers (by toggling the "DISPLAY" switches) but there is no way remove them. You can however add your own additional symbols and labels to the map if you wish - see our guide on how to add labels and symbols to a route map. The only other option would be to tweak the shape of the route slightly so that the km positions match, e.g by taking the racing line around bends  - you'd need to use the Reshape Route tool with the Auto-Plot switch turned off to do this.

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    Colin Cottell Wednesday 25 Nov 2020 10:54:59

    Hi,  thanks for the advice on the distance markers. Problem sorted.  Perhaps you can help with another query?  I would like to draw a series of rectangles in a car park (actaully paddocks for runners to congregate while socially distancing before our race). Is there a way of doing this so that the line doesn't jump across from the fisnidh of one rectangle to the start of the next? I have tried all the different options that I think might work but none have proved successful. Also is there a way of getting rid of the arrows, as these paddocks are not on the race route. Thanks. Colin.

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 26 Nov 2020 09:05:17

    Sorry Colin, we don't have a tool to draw shapes on the map.

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