Merging several routesFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    adrian cumbria   Monday 11 Jan 2021 09:43:12

    A friend of mine is organising a massive relay run from Cumbria to London in the UK. Total distance around 420Km, which is, for a simple route with 2 way points added for start and finish, about 5,160 plotted points.

    Each relay will be in the range 5 to 20km and will involve many runners and take about 3 days.

    I have suggested using plotaroute if we can combine various gpx routes (plotted & saved using plotarout), and that the combined gpx file is workable.

    From what I have tested so far, the 'merging' will need to be done in a text editor as the web interface does not provide this - is this correct ?

    Assuming the text editor is the best way forward, should I have one <trk> and multiple <trkseg> elements ?

    Do I need the <time> elements, and if not how to not include them ?

    I realise that I'll probably need Premium to do this :-)

    Any other advice welcome.


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    adrian cumbria   Monday 11 Jan 2021 09:50:09

    One other factor: as a precise route will require local knowledge I am expecting around 10 to 20 folk to be involved in creating their section of this relay, so I would be wanting to combine 10 to 20 gpx files, which would all be exported with the same settings, eg

    File Type: GPS

    Format: GPX

    GPX Type: Track

    Waypoints: None

    I will add the waypoints, which will be the relay handover points.

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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 12 Jan 2021 08:36:24

    Hi Adrian - you should be able to do all this on plotaroute without having to use a text editor. You can join routes together using our  Combine Routes feature, as long as the route you are appending starts near the finish point of the route you are appending it to. The routes don't need to be your own, as you can use this feature with any public routes on the site, so you can select routes from other contributors (you'll need to know the name of the route and it would be advisable to use a naming format that makes the route name unique).

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