Share a "READ ONLY" link to my routesFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Dusty Pence   Saturday 21 May 2022 19:22:33

    Good morning. I have created three routes for our annual stair-climbing challenge. I would like to make it possible for participants to link to the routes on plotaroute, but I do not want them to be able to edit the route. It appears that when I use the SHARE feature, the participant will be able to do both. Perhaps I am wrong or perhaps there is another way? The race is next weekend, but if I cannot learn it for this time I would at least like to learn it for next time.

    Is there a way for the runner to put the link on his mobile device?

    By the way, thus far this mapping system has been far superior to those I used in years past. Thank you for that. Even for this current issue, I was at least able to create screen prints and put them into the website so that people can print and follow. BIg help!

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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 22 May 2022 08:07:00

    Hi Dusty,

    Thanks for your kind comments about Plotaroute - I'm glad you like it. 

    You don't need to worry, nobody else will be able to make changes to your routes. If someone tries to edit a route you've shared, they would have to save it as a new route to their own account.

    With regard to looking at routes on mobile devices, the link we provide to share a route will work on mobile devices too. We have a guide on how to navigate a route using our mobile app, but please bear in mind that you need a mobile internet connection is required to use this. 

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