"Route not saved" warningsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Pär Willén   Sunday 30 Apr 2023 06:58:55

    I'm new to plotaroute and am very surprised about the lack of a warning when clearing a map, leaving a route for say going to My Routes etc. and not getting warned that the current route was not saved since the last edit.

    One thing that I appreciate very much in some other software is an indicator like an asterisk or something that shows when edits have been done but not saved.

    I'd very much like to see an addition to plotaroute that addresses that issue.

    On the auto-save feature request that has been posted earlier, if you go that route (pun intended) please make it includes an option to disable it.

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 01 May 2023 10:00:58

    Hi - thanks for the feedback. I think this may be due to a miusundertanding about the clear map button. If you click CLEAR in the route panner and then click on LEAVE ROUTE, this will remove the route but add it to the background map. This is useful if you want to trace over part of it when plotting a new route. If you want to keep an unfinished route that you've started plotting, don't click the CLEAR button.  Then if you exit the route planner without saving a route it will offer you an option to reload it next time so that you can continue where you left off.. 

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    Pär Willén   Monday 01 May 2023 11:38:00

    I'm fine with the part about clearing maps but what I'm on about is different.

    Let's say that I have loaded and edited "Route A" and not saved it after those edits.

    If I then go to for example "My Routes" for loading another route, I get no warning that the latest edits of "Route A" have not been saved.

    Thus I lose whatever edits I'd made to "Route A" since it's last save.

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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 02 May 2023 11:35:44

    Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks for that feedback. 

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