Popular Routes
Yes, remembering that "At the moment the Reverse Route just does a simple reverse of the order of the points"
is it possible to reverse route, eg instead of A to B , B to A with no change in route
I think that'll be a feature request Mark! At the moment the Reverse Route just does a simple reverse of the order of the points, so their positions don't change. What you're proposing would need a complete rewrite of this. However, you can probably achieve what you need with existing tools - once you've reversed the route, you could select the Road Side setting you want and then use the Snap Route to Map tool. The Reshape Route tool might also be useful.
Note sure if a Bug or a Feature Request!When reversing a route, especially now with "Road Side Route Plotting", the route doesn't change road sides, i.e. now routes on the rhs etc and wrong way on roundabouts, as before (a long standing issue).Would it be possible to "correct" such issues automatically when revesring a route, please?One way roads are also a problem when reversing a route!Cheers,