Option to clear all notes for directionsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Robert Pawlak Wednesday 04 Oct 2023 00:04:18

    Hi -

    When using a Fenix 6, the watch attempts to render any notes on the map screen. I frequently run trails with many twists and turns, and the end result is a very crowded and cluttered display. So what I have to do is manually remove all notes that are added by PAR (actually, just replace with with a space), and this fixes the problem. It would be nice if there was a way to either (1) switch off the descriptive notes when exporting to FIT (while leaving the arrow directions) or (2) not generate the notes at all.

    I realize that for some people, the notes are a useful feature. For trail running (due in no small part to Garmin's implementation), it only adds visual clutter. 

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 04 Oct 2023 07:35:48

    Hi Robert - thanks for that feedback. You're right, we don't have a way to do this at present, so if you want to still keep the turn arrows then manually deleting the notes text is the only option. It might be something we can add at some point.

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    Robert Pawlak Friday 06 Oct 2023 20:02:09

    Thank you - hope that you can accomodate this request eventually. I think the probability that Garmin will change their implementation is low.

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