Popular Routes
PlotaRoute doesn't recognise one way systems or correct entry ways into towns.
See the screenshotbelow as an example.
Heading in direction of blue arrow, the correct road to enter the town is at point A. In situations like this (slip raods in and out of town from bypass), PlotaRoute continually sends me to point B, where I would have to cross oncming traffic. No entry at point B is allowed when traveling the direction of the arrow. I thought the first couple of times it was just my plotting, but this happens every single time. Other routing services do not route me down roads like this. Plotaroute also cotinually sends me the wrong way down one way streets. I had considered buying Premium version but not a hope could I ever countenance it when simple basic routing errors like this occur anytime I need to go into a town
Thanks for the feedback David. We can't recreate the problem though - when we plot a route to Carramore North from the N17 it goes by point A marked on your image. Do you have the Auto-Plot switch set to By Road? This is needed to follow road rules such as one way.
Hi folks
Apologies for the delay in replying. I'm not sure what I had auto-plot set to. It's possible it was set to bike. I will try again by setting it to 'Road' and let you know how it goes. Thanks!
Hi folks. There is an issue here alright. Forget about entering the town for now and instead I want to go from point A to point B as shown below.
I'm auto plotting 'By Road'. Plotaroute is routing me down an illegal and dangerous path! It's routing me across oncoming traffic at a junction designed not to allow this. Fine for me on roads I know but totally confusing and potentially very dangerous for someone who doesn't know the roads. I should be routed via the R329, into the town, and back out to point B. Your auto plotting doe not follow the rules of the road.
Ride With GPS routes me down the correct roads
Edit - Site won't let me upload images. I'm trying to use image hosting but don't seem to be able to do that either. I will keep trying to get images uploaded
Edit 2 - Links to images added now. Hope you can view those.
Any update here?
Hi David,
Looks like a problem in our database (coming from OSM). I'll tel you when this will be fixed.
Thanks Arnaud. Much appreciated