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Preserving manually added course points in Garmin's Up Ahead screen 4 105 Hi Plotaroute,Very frequent Plotaroute user here. I love it and use it almost daily for plotting running and hiking routes around the Lake District.I have an ultra race coming up and need to plot th
Can I upload a list of waypoints via .CSV or excel to plot a route? 2 52 Hi all, just wondering if it's possible to upload a list of waypoints, either addresses or GPS coordinates and have plotaroute automatically determine the best or most efficient route to get to each
Virtual Partner / Route Timer - PlotaRoute vs Garmin 9 154 tks
Virtual Partner / Route Timer - PlotaRoute vs Garmin 9 154 Hi,you may have used the advanced settings of the timer.When exporting the hike, the timestamp of the points is transmitted, depending on the speed parameters entered previously. The problem is that
Display the Streetview pane 2 69 Tim,Read this post:
FATMAP Alternative to Store POI Library 2 90 Hi Admin,Surely you or the other users here have heard that Fatmap is being absorbed into Strava, and they are going to deprecate the feature that allows users to maintain a library of POIs or Waypoi
Display the Streetview pane 2 69 Hi, Feels like a stupid question, but how do I display the streetview pane for a route? I don't have an option for Google Street Map in my list of map types so I assume that is the problem? I am ab
Mean Sea Level vs wgs84 altitude 2 76 Hi,this development is not planned for instance, Thank you for your patience.Kind regards.
Route optimisation 2 102 Hi, an AI said that I could upload a GPX file of coordinates and ask Plotaroute to optimise a route between them. However, when I upload the file, Plotaroute seems to input them in the order that t
Future of Plotaroute? 17 404 Yes, I checked spam and have repeated the request for a password reset. I've also tried contacting them using the admin email and, even though I can see email was delievered, they have failed to resp
Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando 10 1141 @helene plotatoute - no, none of my routes have more than a few hundred points. But I see in a further post that relinking from plotaroute resyncs the routes. I can confirm that all my plotaroute rou
Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando 10 1141 @Richard Orbey - The reverse is not true =gt; Visorando tracks are not synchronized in Plotaroute.Hi, thanks for the reply. Can you explain how the sync works? For the time being, I'm still using Plo
Syncing plotaroute to visorando - not all routes are copied 18 294 @Helene PlotarouteThank you for your reply (although for some strange reason your reply has my name attached to it!)gt;In the app, did you check the walks in the different forlders (Hikes to sort, Fa
Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando 10 1141 @Helene PlotarouteThank you for your reply. As I have started a seperate thread for this issue in the 'Bugs and Problems' forum, I will provide answer there.
Photo upload broken? 9 171 Thank you. Great!
Weighting factor for "prefer off-road" 1 57 It would be helpful to have a weighting facter so that auto-plotting with "prefer off-road" enabled doesn't select a many-mile off-road loop when quarter of a mile of road is an option. Perhaps a sim
Waypoints not being imported 5 176 Update after a lot of testing.... There is a problem importing GPX files with waypoints. I have made a very small clean gpx file to demonstrate this, containing 6 lt;trkptgt; trackpoints and 8 lt;wpt
Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando 10 1141 Hi,@Richard Orbey : I answered you in another post =gt; could you precise if the toutes concerned have more than 10000 points? Did you check in the folders (Hikes to sort, Favourites)? Could you prec
Syncing plotaroute to visorando - not all routes are copied 18 294 Hi,In the app, did you check the walks in the different forlders (Hikes to sort, Favourites)?Did you plot routes with more than 10 000 points (it is the limit in Visorando)? Kind regards,
Won't let me plot a route over existing route 10 896 Hi,we did not see any bug about ploting a route with our tools. A bug has been fixed on the 9th August, which had an impact on our services, but it was corrected in few hours.If you still encounter t
Future of Plotaroute? 17 404 Hi,there is no bug with the renewal of passwords. Did you check the spams?If you don't find the new password in you spam, I advise you to contact us ( Kind regards,
Photo upload broken? 9 171 Hi,the bug has been fixed, thank you for your patience.Kind regards.
FB banning Plotaroute links 5 170 August ----- French on holiday ---- plus Forum support has all but disapperaed
Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando 10 1141 Like Hugh, I find the waypoint stuff pretty important, and a primary reason I use PAR.
FB banning Plotaroute links 5 170 So, nothing heard after filling out the contact form just over a week ago. I partly expected this as the form does say to only use it to contact them about issues with your plotaroute account. It a