print route directionsFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Randy Girard Thursday 30 Jun 2016 03:20:49

    Hi everyone,

    Stupid question, but once I have a route plotted and saced how do I print the directions? I can print a map of the route along with the hill profile but the directions do not show up even when i have the print direction selection as yes, what am i doing wrong????

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 01 Jul 2016 09:15:23

    The directions should appear on a second page when you print the route, as long as you have selected the "Print Directions" option.


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    Randy Girard Friday 01 Jul 2016 21:01:06

    Hi John,

    Thanks for your response. The "Print Directions" option was selected. I think i've got it figured out today, after working on other routes. The route I tried printing had been altered. I created the route when I first became a member. After creation I "reversed" the route and forgot about the dialog box that stated by doing this all directions will be deleted (or something along those lines). I think I created my own problem when I did this. Several weeks after route alteration I forgot that the directions got deleted because of my route reversal. Sorry for the inconvenience. Is there a way to create new directions after route reversal?

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    G W Lidington Sunday 01 Jan 2017 14:40:12

    Hi, how do I increse the scale so that the routefills the A4 sheet when printing. Zooming in and out doesnt seem to work. - George

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 02 Jan 2017 09:17:15

    Hi George - the only option is to zoom in out out to the zoom level that provides the best fit when the print preview is displayed.  There isn't a finer level of zoom control that we can provide I'm afraid. 


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    DeAnne Brown   Thursday 19 Jan 2017 20:52:06

    On one map, only Step 1 of printed directions were printed. On my second map, I had three steps printed. There should be many more. 

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 20 Jan 2017 09:40:27

    Hi DeAnne - Can you let me know which roite you are trying to print please and I'll have a look into it?


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    DeAnne Brown   Friday 27 Jan 2017 02:55:19

    Hello, John!

    Thank you. I now have seven routes for Hannibal, Missouri. The 5k will probably have to be changed, too, but right now I'm stuck on the 10k. What happens is that I TRY to edit and get all garbled up between the red and green dots. I get some kind of a rope thing, and if I do want to stretch the dots (when I get them) in order to expand the route, I cannot get the dots to go where I want. So...I delete, delete, delete and try again OR I start a new route but then I have to rename it. I have also had to rename the route after I saved it! And that's how I came to have seven routes for the same small city. I would LOVE to be able to delete those walks that are not so good, because after a while, it will be hard to tell the best one among all the others. 

    The one I am trying my best to finish is the one I was working on tonight. I forget what I named it. See??

    I am doing these routes for my walking club, the American Volkssport Association. Have you heard of it? We started in Germany and Volksmarchers are all over Europe, although not in France. The club is popular in Canada...there they are the Canadian Volkssport Association. My husband and I walked Volksmarches in Oxford and the Queen's Deer Park in Windsor. Walking in a completely new area while following a map is kind of fun, and so I am on a quest for a map/route maker. 

    I like the ease of creating a route with Plotaroute, and I believe that if I can figure out how to edit and how to delete routes, I would really like Plotaroute and could recommend it to other club members who need to design new walking routes.

    Many thanks,

    DeAnne Brown

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    plotaroute admin   Saturday 28 Jan 2017 09:49:14

    Hi DeAnne - I've had a look at your routes and they don't have any (or very few) directions attached to them so that will be why you are not seeing directions when you print the routes out.  Directions are only added to your routes automatically if you have the Auto-Plot switch on, so I'm guessing you had this off when you were plotting the routes. You can manually add any additonal directions you want though.

    If you're struggling with the editing of routes I'd recommend having another look at the Editing Routes tutorial. It's hard for me to help further from here as I can't see exactly what you are doing. You can delete routes you don't want from your home page - there are instructions on this forum topic: How to delete a route


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    DeAnne Brown   Sunday 29 Jan 2017 01:02:15

    Hi, John! Many thanks for your assistance. I can easily delete those older routes now, and I have directions printed up to Step #16. I cannot go beyond that, however. 

    My 10k route is called "updated Hannibal 10k." Maybe a walking route is more complex than a biking route? I gave up on trying to edit. It was a major task and it was easier to delete and start over. I tried editing, though, and could get the green dot but not the red one. I used the PLOT to reroute a section. 

    I had to turn Auto Plot off a couple times. The first time was when I was on 10th and making a left turn onto Church St, and the line refused to go where I wanted it to; the program chose a shorter route which would do no good because we are trying to get a 10k out of it. The second time was when we take a park path along Bear Creek to Shannon Street, and of course I had to turn it off to follow a park path back to S Main Street. I did try to use the second option for Auto-Plot, something called bike trail, but it didn't work. At least, I couldn't get it to. 

    I have the map completed (my husband was the genius who figured out a good way to get a 10k), and I could write the directions myself, of course, but it would save me a lot of time if the program did it. By the way, I can't budge the EDIT marker on 6th St, about where it crosses Bear Creek, although the road is still there at that point. It worked fine elsewhere.

    I appreciate your help with this very much. Hannibal, by the way, is where Samuel Clemons lived when he wrote "Tom Sawyer" and you see the landmarks mentioned in the story. 

    DeAnne Brown

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