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GPX <trkpt><time> 1 52 Please add the Route Timer information to GPX lt;trkptgt; points using the lt;timegt; tag just as is done in TCX file lt;Trackpointgt; points with its lt;Timegt; tag.
Wahoo Intergration 4 305 Hi has there been any progress on this as i see its a few years old
Syncing plotaroute to visorando - not all routes are copied 18 305 Silence is deafening
Syncing plotaroute to visorando - not all routes are copied 18 305 Since yesterday's post, the log in issues have mysteriously vanished. I can now log in to the Visorando website and the app. I assume a member of staff saw the post and fixed it? Anyway, it now works
Syncing plotaroute to visorando - not all routes are copied 18 305 It's well over four months since I first brought this issue to your attention. I've had no meaningful updates since then.That's disappointing enough however, as I mentioned below over a month ago, I
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 I was not aware custom cue points but turns directions were getting synched wirelessly using PAR. Strava does not even have turns avaiable.Maybe beacuse they know Garmin would blocked them when sync
Google Street View 5 124 Hello! The StreetMapdisplay does notwork.Просто чистый экран.Indifferentbrowsers. The cache was being cleared.Whatcan be done?
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 How To Sync Your Routes To Garmin - plotaroute.comPlease be aware, the following limitations apply to the Garmin Sync feature:Full route directions from plotaroute cannot be transferred - Garmin will
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 Im getting up Ahead points via Wireless, but I seem to recall theres a help topic here that says the rest of the directions cant be synced because Garmin recreates them themselves after a sync,,,,
Photo added to direction with no text 1 42 Regarding route: 2790998I inadvertantly added a photo to a direction without entering any text. This erroneous direction did not appear in the directions panel but it does appear when printing to PD
Change height scale in route profile display 2 35 Got it! In the top left corner of the profile display is a tiny label "Max Y". Click on that and you get to set Max Y (or set it to Auto).
"Trails" Map Layer 1 38 Hi,Just wondering where the "Trails" map layer comes from?On the OSM site I can see the Standard and Cycle layers, but not the "Trails/OSM Outdoor" layer from plotaroute.
Change height scale in route profile display 2 35 I've somehow managed to get the route profile showing a max altitude of 2000m, which isn't great for routes in coastal England. I'm pretty sure it hasn't always been this way, but I cannot see how to
Auto plot failure ? 12 180 Hello,Sorry for this failure. It is working now again.Thank you for reporting.
Auto plot failure ? 12 180 Another one here getting the same error message when trying to plot a route.
Auto plot failure ? 12 180 #metoo
Auto plot failure ? 12 180 Can confirmAuto-plot is not working.
Auto plot failure ? 12 180 I'm also getting the " Sorry - We are unable to auto plot to this point" message on the start point.
Auto plot failure ? 12 180 Never happened before.This morning, I was trying to plot a route from a start point but a message popped out saying, " Sorry - We are unable to auto plot to this point". Strange as it is, because th
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 Hi Adam,I've been using manual transfer of fit files containing custom cue points created on Plotaroute for years.I was reffering to automatic wireless synch.If you have a Premium Strava acount you c
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 Shared with you - OneDriveFrom Manual Coursepoint Editing (1/2) - forum
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 If you create custom directions and put text in the Note field, and select a symbol - it will appear as an Up Ahead point in Connect and on the watch
Full route directions from plotaroute to be sync to Garmin 8 193 Directions are synced. I create custom directions to be used as Up Ahead points. I cant remember if you get all the text, but I use abbreviations to cut them down, but yes I get TBT from PAR routes Y
Route plotting not working on certain path 3 208 I encoutnered the same, and visited OpenStreetMap to check / edit / update the route to confirim that it is a valid footpath in the map data.I will follow the same suggestion in the hopes of finding
Changing plotting colors on map 7 557 Thanks both Mark and Helene.Mark: I am familiar with how to do multiple colors in collects. Thanks for the great directions though.Helene: Thanks for the reply. Maybe this will be something in the